Saturday, 13 November 2010

Spread the Word 15

On 12th November, I was invited, courtesy of Patsy Antoine, to Spread the Word's 15th Anniversary Party at Brixton Library, South London. This was a party to celebrate 15 years of looking out for London's writers. Hosted by Malika Booker, our entertainment included an opening presentation by Bernadine Evaristo, author and former Director of Spread the Word; writer Karen McCarthy Woolf who did something weird in the weird corner! Stacy Makishi performed 'There's a Hole in My Heart That Goes All The Way to China' and Patsy Antoine & Nathalie Teitler answered questions on the Wall of Sound...

I met some new contacts, including Barra pictured with me celebrating above, and some old contacts including Olu, who has won several prizes for short stories, and is an inspiration to be in the presence of. It was just a lovely way to party, literary style of course!

Oh and as I was leaving, I was presented with a wonderful goody bag, which included a copy of Stephen King on Writing, which I have heard is a must read memoir of the craft, a copy of Poetry London and a copy of Home from Home, which presents a snap shot of the Elephant & Castle at the beginning of the 21st Century, by Eva Sajovic (photos) and Sarah Butler (text).

Spread the Word is a catalyst for developing writers. They provide a dynamic range of services and opportunities for all levels of writers including advice and information, networking, mentoring, events and work in the community. For more information, please visit:

As always, I felt so inspired by this event, that during my tube journey home, I got busy jotting down notes for my new collection of creative writing (poems & personal essays) and that is what it's all about...

Photos in ascending order:
Nicole Moore & Barra - courtesy of Patsy Antoine
Patsy Antoine
Nicole Moore

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